A software keylogger can be run in the background and not get noticed by average users. Further, you will receive real time notifications about users accessing your PC.A keylogger can be either a piece of software or a hardware device that can capture the keystrokes typed on the computer’s keyboard. You can even go as far as to write a one way message back to the user and even lock the PC making their keyboard and mouse useless for a given amount of time all from the touch of your phone. iSam is the only key logger to offer a mobile companion app allowing you to not only review history remotely but to watch the users screen live from your phone. In fact, iSam is so smart that you don't have to tell iSam to start, stop, or even sleep. Once installed, iSam is alive, running, and doing it's job. You don't have to be a computer expert to use iSam or spend any time starting it up. Email, texting, remote access, scheduling, optional business warning banner, url blocking, recording behavior, default or custom encryption, the ability to specify users, keywords, and alerts. ISam comes with more options than the average user needs and is ready to be put to the test.

Everything iSam records is encrypted and hidden so well that only iSam has access to it. iSam doesn't even store information that can be hacked and viewed from a sophisticated application if one were to be installed. iSam does not store any information that can accidentally be found and opened. iSam is packed with the world's leading AI for capturing user interaction. Even after knowing this we are sometimes asked, "How often is a screenshot taken?" And the answer is, "Every time the user does something that changes the screen in any way that iSam determines you need to know." In other words, you'll miss nothing and have no extra footage to sort through. You won't miss anything and yet you won't have hours of wasted images to sort through. Recording is based on user activity, the more they are doing the more will be recorded. Screenshots are not taken when the user is idle or when there isn't anything going on.

Why choose iSam over other key logging applications? Why is iSam the world's best? iSam does not use a timer. ISam is the world's best keylogger which records user activity via screen shots, mouse clicks, and keystrokes (as well as touch on Windows 8).