How to debug in python jupyter notebook
How to debug in python jupyter notebook

how to debug in python jupyter notebook

See tornado’s set_secure_cookie docs for details. okie_options DictĮxtra keyword arguments to pass to set_secure_cookie.

how to debug in python jupyter notebook

The config manager class to use ntents_manager_class TypeFromClassesĭefault: '.LargeFileManager' nfig_manager_class Typeĭefault: '.ConfigManager' nfig_file Unicodeįull path of a config file. The full path to a certificate authority certificate for SSL/TLS client authentication. The full path to an SSL/TLS certificate file. Standard library module, which allows setting of theīROWSER environment variable to override it. If not specified, theĭefault browser will be determined by the webbrowser NotebookApp.browser Unicodeĭefault: '' Specify what command to use to invoke a webīrowser when opening the notebook. Leading and trailing slashes can be omitted,Īnd will automatically be added. NotebookApp.base_project_url UnicodeĭEPRECATED use base_url NotebookApp.base_url Unicode Reload the webapp when changes are made to any Python src files. Require authentication to access prometheus metrics. NotebookApp.answer_yes BoolĪnswer yes to any prompts. Whether to allow the user to run the notebook as root. Local IP addresses (such as and ::1) are allowed as local,Īlong with hostnames configured in local_hostnames. Serves you a page and then changes its DNS to send later requests to a This protects against ‘DNS rebinding’ attacks, where a remote web server Setting this option to True disables this check. Shows that the browser thinks it’s on a non-local domain. Set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin headerīy default, requests get a 403 forbidden response if the ‘Host’ header Set the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true header NotebookApp.allow_origin Unicode Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (as JSON) NotebookApp.allow_credentials Bool Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout JupyterApp.show_config_json Bool

how to debug in python jupyter notebook

The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s JupyterApp.log_format Unicode Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (as JSON) JupyterApp.answer_yes BoolĪnswer yes to any prompts. Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout Application.show_config_json Bool The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s Application.log_format Unicodeĭefault: '%(highlevel)s %(message)s'

How to debug in python jupyter notebook